“It’s expedition o’clock!” cries Mac, putting down his French book. “Expedition Supervisor ready!” replies his sister, Meli.

Adventure isn’t far away when they stumble across a lost flamingo who speaks French. Can they help Freddie find his way to the flamingo festival of the year?

Join Meli and Mac for some flamingo fun in Serendipity Forest – and use the translation guide to learn a little French along the way!

Genres: Children, Language
Publisher: Mythiko Press

Get ready for an expedition of a lifetime with the first book in the Meli & Mac series! This fully illustrated children’s picture book is packed with magic gadgets, adventure and entertaining characters.

The book is written in English but includes a basic introduction to French words and phrases. No background in French is required. It can be read to younger children following along with the beautiful illustrations and can later be used as a first reader once the child starts reading. The book encourages children to learn new things and embrace people from different backgrounds.

My Review

Meli and Mac are going to Paris. Meli thinks they need to know some French to prepare for their trip. Mac replies that it would be easier to learn how to speak Flamingo.

Then Mac declares it’s “Expedition o’clock!” and grabbing hold of their coats and magic journal they are ready to go on an adventure. So off they go into Serendipity Forest.

“Where to today?” asks Mac, when a pink feather lands on the ground in front of them. And that’s when they meet a flamingo named Freddie.

The conversation is conducted in French with English translations. I love this as it enables children to learn some simple French phrases. We then learn about the flamingo festival known as the Shrimp Extravaganza. Shrimps give flamingoes their wonderful pink colour.

Meli and Mac have a fabulous time with their new pink friend, until eventually they go home, having set a ‘rendezvous’ for next year. Finally there’s a glossary of French words and phrases. A lovely, simple book that children will enjoy and can be used as a first reader later on – “Tres bien!”

Many thanks to LiterallyPR for inviting me to be part of the Meli and Mac blog tour.

About the Author

Elena is a children’s book author. She grew up in Buckinghamshire before moving to London for her studies.

Since childhood, she has been fascinated by Greek mythology and has been writing stories as far back as she can remember – no, not all the way back to the days of Homer! Growing up bilingual, Elena has always had a genuine love of languages and a fervour for exploring new places.

She is the creator of the picture book series entitled Meli & Mac, chronicling the escapades of an endearing sibling duo. The debut instalment, Meli & Mac: Rendez-Vous with a Flamingo, marks the beginning of the series with more expeditions on the horizon.

Elena is passionate about encouraging children to engage with the outside world, use their imagination and learn something new through beautifully illustrated adventures. She likes to write stories with quirky characters and to give children (and their parents!) a chuckle along the way.

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