Calling All Young Explorers!

Discover over 200 pages filled with diverse challenges for ages 6-12+. Dive into logic puzzles, uncover hidden pictures, navigate intricate mazes, and test your wits with word and number games. Some puzzles? Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Others? As sneaky and tricky as ninja cats in the dark. And for an added touch of fun: every puzzle you solve earns you cupcake points. Keep track and colour in your chart with each point you collect. With beautiful illustrations and vibrant colours on every page, this book is both educational and entertaining. Unlock adventures and learning with Tot Fun!

For Ages: 6-12+
Paperback: 204 Pages
Dimensions: ‎ 8.5 x 11 inches
Enchanting Illustrations: Beautiful, whimsical artwork on every page
Vibrant Colors: Delightful shades to spark creativity and fun
Educational & Entertaining: Enhances problem-solving and critical thinking skills
Diverse Challenges: Varied puzzles, including logic, picture, word, number puzzles, and mazes, to enhance multiple skill sets.

About the Author

Tot Fun, an imprint of Anna Conrad, LLC, specializes in creating educational and entertaining puzzle books for children aged 6-12+. Committed to delivering high-quality content, our books bolster problem-solving and critical thinking skills. With the expertise of our extraordinary team of artists, we bring to life the most vibrant colours and enchanting illustrations, ensuring both creative and educational play. Every puzzle and maze is designed to guide young explorers on a journey of discovery, cultivating their curiosity and enhancing their abilities with every challenge.

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