Julie thought he was the man of her dreams

I walk into my bedroom. There’s a woman in my bed. Next to my fiancé. He promises her he has no idea who I am. That he’s never seen me before. He’s calling me a stalker.

But before I even know how to respond, someone’s breaking down the front door. Pounding up the stairs. I run, but I can’t hide.

Now I’m trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in the midst of a blizzard with a man who swears he doesn’t know me. As though the last five years together never happened.

He’s lying.

And then he looks me right in the eye and whispers so our kidnappers can’t hear him:

‘I’m sorry.’


My Review

Julie arrives home at 6.52 in the morning to find her fiance in bed with another woman. She was away at a conference, but came home early to surprise him. Not half as much as what she saw surprised her.

Julie and Colton have been together for five years and now he’s doing it in the bed they bought together, in the house they bought together, and only recently moved into, with someone else. Who is this woman?

‘Who is she?’

‘Her name is Monique.’ Like it matters what her name is. And so it begins.

A race against time thriller, as Julie and Colton are forced to escape through a second floor window, while being pursued by an unknown assailant. But what do they want with them? What has Colton done that has put them in danger? Or is it about Julie?

This was very exciting, moving quickly from one dangerous situation to the next. And poor Julie has no idea what’s going on. But does Colton?

It’s a fairly complicated plot, at times a bit far-fetched, but this is fiction, and stranger things have happened in real life. I quite liked Julie, hated Colton, Keith and Michael, but for some reason I found Monique the most interesting. She’s like a Bond villain, all sleek black hair and a slinky cocktail dress, with a small gun hidden about her person. Sophisticated. Unlike frumpy Julie.

And I also love the poleman Stamper. He’d be great in his own series.

Many thanks to the author for giving me the opportunity to beta read The Perfect Fiance before publication.

About the Author

T.J. Brearton’s books have reached half a million readers around the world and have topped the Amazon charts in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. A graduate of the New York Film Academy in Manhattan, Brearton first worked in film before focusing on novels. His books are visually descriptive with sharp dialogue and underdog heroes. When not writing, Brearton does whatever his wife and three children tell him to do. They live happily in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Yes, there are bears in the Adirondacks. But it’s really quite beautiful when you’re not running for your life.

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