Lonely heart Barry thought Gina might be too good to be true. He was right.

Gina preys on vulnerable older men through online dating sites. She lures them in, uses them to set up a financial scam and then vanishes without trace.

But when an angry victim of her fraudulent scheme comes looking for Gina, Barry is drawn into deadly danger. He faces having to kill – or be killed.

The 23-Day Girlfriend will be published on Tuesday June 18. Here is the fabulous cover:

About the Author

Mark Eklid was an award-winning regional newspaper sports journalist before switching from cricket to crime thrillers.

The 23-Day Girlfriend is his sixth. His first novel was Sunbeam in 2019, followed by Family Business and Catalyst. The Murder of Miss Perfect and Blood on Shakespeare’s Typewriter were published through SpellBound Books.

All six are fast-moving, plot-twisting crime thrillers set in the city of his birth, Sheffield. Mark lives in Derby with his partner, Sue. They have two adult sons and have been adopted by a cat.

Website: markeklid.com
Facebook: @meklidauthor
Twitter: @MarkEklid
Instagram: @mark.eklid

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