Caitlin was four years old when her mother died in mysterious circumstances.

Thirty years later she comes into possession of her family home in Dorset.

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As she slowly recovers memories of her past, she becomes convinced that her mother’s ghost is warning her of impending disaster.

Aided by Charlie Bond, a private investigator, an enthralling story of deceit and deception unfolds as Caitlin and her friends expose the ultimate truth.

My Review

I love the cover, the title of the book and the supernatural element. I love a good ghost story and Vex Not Her Ghost did not disappoint.

Caitlin Rose has inherited her mother’s house, a run down manor house on the Dorset coast. My favourite part of the country. Lucky Caitlin, except it’s not that simple. The house not only holds many secrets, it is also haunted by her mother’s ghost. Her mother died when Caitlin was four years old. So why is she still here and is she trying to tell her something? Was she murdered? And by whom?

Of course, most people are going to think that Caitlin is going round the twist, but there are some who believe in her. Her friend Sally and Bob the gardener (I’m glad he’s not the builder), who may be a little in love with her, are just two.

Caitlin is in a relationship of sorts with hunky Dennis, but he’s actually a real love rat and she eventually decides to give him the heave-ho. Unfortunately, he’s inveigled his way into her home and got his slippers firmly under the coffee table.

The plot is pretty complicated, so I’m not going to try and go into more detail, but suffice to say there are lots of strange things going on, such as a mysterious cousin called Arabella she’s never heard of, and some financial irregularities revolving around Caitlin’s Trust Fund, and her late father George Rose, as well as her mother’s death.

So Caitlin decides to hire a private investigator, initially to take pictures of Arabella and try to discover whether she really is a long lost cousin. The investigator – Charlie Bond – turns out to be a woman and rapidly becomes my favourite character, more so than Caitlin I’m afraid, who is rather strange and secretive at times.

It’s a really good book, great for taking on holiday – I would read it on the plane if I was travelling – it will keep you riveted for the duration of the journey.

Many thanks to @ZooloosBT  for inviting me to be part of this blog tour.

About the Author

Gill Calvin Thomas has retired from academic life and lives with her husband in Swanage, Dorset. She finds inspiration while walking in the Isle of Purbeck. Here, she is able to escape into a world of her own making, getting to know her characters, whilst she plans the next twist and turn of the plot. As writing has become a major part of Gill’s life, she has withdrawn from taking a leading role in many community volunteer activities, although she has retained her interest in local and national politics. A lifelong feminist, Gill likes nothing better than a spirited debate on the issues of the day with family and friends. As her writing career develops, she hopes to explore those issues in her stories. Vex Not Her Ghost is Gill’s first novel and she is currently working on her second.

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