Tag: freak show

The Fascination by Essie Fox Paperback Out Now

Twin sisters Keziah and Tilly Lovell are identical in every way, except that Tilly hasn’t grown a single inch since she was five. Coerced into promoting their father’s quack elixir as they tour the country fairgrounds, at the age of fifteen the girls are sold to a mysterious Italian known as ‘Captain’. #TheFascination @essiefox @OrendaBooks #RandomThingsTours @annecater @RandomTTours #blogtour #paperback Theo is an orphan, raised by his grandfather, … Read More The Fascination by Essie Fox Paperback Out Now

The Fascination by Essie Fox

Twin sisters Keziah and Tilly Lovell are identical in every way, except that Tilly hasn’t grown a single inch since she was five. Coerced into promoting their father’s quack elixir as they tour the country fairgrounds, at the age of fifteen the girls are sold to a mysterious Italian known as ‘Captain’. #TheFascination @essiefox @OrendaBooks #RandomThingsTours @annecater @RandomTTours #blogtour  Theo is an orphan, raised by his grandfather, … Read More The Fascination by Essie Fox